This is an enjoyable, well-established and trusted way of understanding more about your child. ‘Understanding your child’ is for mums, dads, grandparents and carers. Parents often say they feel calmer, more confident and have a better relationship with their child.
The course was developed in the NHS together with frontline practitioners.
The course covers:
- Responding to how your child is feeling
- How your child develops Different styles of parenting How your child communicates
- Understanding your child’s behaviour
- Sleep, self-regulation and anger
Sessions are open to parents in the Prestatyn area Sessions will be held in Ysgol y Llys from 9.15am - 11.15 am every Thursday during term time starting on: Thursday 30th January 2025 for 9 weeks
It is important that all sessions are attended For more information and to reserve a place, please contact Family Link Worker: Emma - 07825 523340