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Change of Date for Sports Day

Important Update: Change of Dates for Sports Day Due to Weather Conditions


I am writing to inform you about an important change regarding our upcoming Sports Day.

Unfortunately, due to the recent weather, our school field is currently very wet, making it unsafe for our learners to practice for sports day. Safety is our top priority, and we want to ensure that all learners can participate in Sports Day without any risk of injury.

Therefore, we have decided to reschedule Sports Day from its original dates of May 14th-16th to June 12th-14th. We believe this extra time will allow us to practice safely and give the field sufficient time to dry out (provided the weather cooperates.)

We apologise for any inconvenience this change may cause and appreciate your understanding and support.


The new dates are as follows:

Year 3 – 6 – Wednesday 12th June

Year 1 – 2 – Thursday 13th June

Early Years – Friday 14th June

All Sports Day’s will start at 9:15